Virtual Reality Helps People Accept Themselves From: Product Design & Development - 11/13/2014 Self-compassion can be learned using avatars in an immersive virtual reality, finds new research led by University College London. This innovative approach reduced self-criticism and increased self-compassion and feelings of contentment in naturally self-critical individuals. The scientists behind the Medical Research Council funded study say it could be applied to treat a range of clinical conditions including depression. Excessive self-criticism plays a prominent role in the development and persistence of many mental health problems including depression. The scientists say people who are self-compassionate tend to have lower levels of self-criticism and are better able to cope with negative life events because self-compassion acts as a buffer, helping to promote a positive mood and general wellbeing. Read the entire article at: Links: Mel Slater Compassion Project Virtual Reality Teaches Self-Acceptance Virtual Reality Offers Psychological Therapy