How Doctors Peer into the Minds of Vegetative Patients From: Scientific American - 05/2014 - page 54 By: Brian M. Owen Communicating with patients who appear to lack consciousness is becoming a reality Improved trauma care had led to more people surviving brain injury but ending up in vegetative or minimally conscious states. Researchers are devising imaging techniques to dtermine which patients retain some awareness or might regain consciousness. Functional magnetic resonanceimaging has revealed surprisingly that a portion of patients who are lebeled "vegetative" are conscious. Some can answer questions by imagining one activity for "yes" and another for "no". Investigators are now turning to electrocardiographic technology to try to devise an easier, bedside approach to detecting consciousness. On the more distant horizon are brain-computer interfaces that would enable patients with hidden consciousness to communicate. Read the preview at: Links: Regaining Consciousness: One Patient's Story (video ) Eyes Open, Brain Shut (Abstract)