Sound Based Wayfinder From: Embedds - 02/08/2014 This is a final year project by the students of Cornell University and utilizes ultrasonic range finders and haptic feedback to facilitate indoor navigation for the visually impaired. It uses auditory cues, such as sounds from the natural environment or sounds created artificially, to determine an individual’s surrounding physical space for the purpose of navigation. The device is a head-mounted navigation system with a wearable tactile sensor connected via a long flexible wire and also instructs the user to turn either left or right depending upon the obstacles. Source: --- Acoustic Wayfinder From: Cornell University Our acoustic wayfinding device utilizes ultrasonic range finders and haptic feedback to facilitate indoor navigation for the visually impaired. The technique of acoustic wayfinding uses auditory cues, such as sounds from the natural environment or sounds created artificially, to determine an individual's surrounding physical space for the purpose of navigation. Our device is an automated and subtle implementation of this technique that uses pulses of inaudible (to humans, at least) frequencies in the ultrasonic range as opposed to taps on the floor with a cane or clicking noises made by the tongue; our device also works in noisy environments where it is typically difficult to discern auditory cues. Read the entire article at: Also published in Circuit Cellar - 11/2014 - page 26 Links: Wearable Assistive Devices for the Blind Can a Robot be a Safe and Cost Effective Alternative to Guide Dogs? Ultrasonic Haptic Vision System Haptic Radar