Good Shepherd Penn Partners Sets the Stage for Parkinson's Patients to "Fight" Disease Progression From: Rehab Management - 04/02/2014 In an effort to further its commitment to innovative treatments for patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), Good Shepherd Penn Partners has introduced a new program called Rock Steady Boxing (RSB). Scott Newman, former Indiana prosecutor who was diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease (YOPD), founded the RSB program in 2006. Following his diagnosis, Newman reportedly noticed improvements in his physical health, agility, functional movements, and quality of life once he began to engage in one-on-one intense boxing sessions. To this end, Newman hired Kristy Rose Follmer, former world professional boxer, and opened up a boxing gym designed for individuals with PD. RSB has also developed a 3-day certification course in order to reach a wide range of clinicians, trainers, and individuals with Parkinson's. Read the entire article at: Link: Rock Steady Boxing