Hope for Paraplegic Patients From: Medical Design Technology - 05/16/2014 People with severe injuries to their spinal cord currently have no prospect of recovery and remain confined to their wheelchairs. Now, all that could change with a new treatment that stimulates the spinal cord using electric impulses. The hope is that the technique will help paraplegic patients learn to walk again. Read the entire article at: http://www.mdtmag.com/news/2014/05/hope-paraplegic-patients Link: NEUWalk Project (with video 4:51) http://www.neuwalk.eu/ Related: Scientists Study New Ways to Restore Hand Movement after Paralysis http://www.mdtmag.com/news/2014/02/scientists-study-new-ways-restore-hand-movement-after-paralysis Bionic Suit Puts Paraplegics Back on Their Feet http://www.mdtmag.com/videos/2014/03/bionic-suit-puts-paraplegics-back-their-feet Irreversible Tissue Loss after Spinal Cord Injury http://www.mdtmag.com/news/2013/07/irreversible-tissue-loss-after-spinal-cord-injury