A Mouthguard that Detects Head Injuries From: Wireless Design & Development - 10/27/2014 Force Impact Technologies has developed a mouthguard for athletes that provides a comprehensive approach to identify, document, and respond to potential head injuries in sporting activities. The FITGuard measures linear and angular acceleration, and then processes those inputs through a proprietary algorithm to determine the severity of an impact. It can be programmed with the user's age, gender, and weight, to customize the risk thresholds for the wearer. If certain thresholds are breached, LEDs embedded in the front of the mouthguard illuminate to indicate when a user should be removed from play. The LEDs have a blue indication for a "medium" force impact and a red indication for a "severe" force impact, and they provide an instant, visual, indication to coaches and officials, that a player should be removed from the field. The FITGuard also uses Bluetooth technology to transmit impact data to a FIT smartphone application. After a severe impact, the FIT application prompts individuals to perform an Acute Concussion Evaluation (ACE) for the player that has been removed for play. Source: http://www.wirelessdesignmag.com/videos/2014/10/hotspot-episode-86-mouthguard-detects-head-injuries Links: Force Impact Technologies (with video 3:14) https://www.fitguard.me/ Mouthguard That Monitors Impact of Concussions Coming to Market http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidlariviere/2014/10/17/mouthguard-that-monitors-impact-of-concussions-coming-to-market/