Lock In From: Scientific American - 11/2014 - page 86 By: John Scalzi In this near-future murder mystery, a virus has swept the world, causing some who are infected to be "locked in" to their bodies - unable to talk, move, or respond to stimuli but nonetheless aware. The technology that is developed in response to the crisis allows the affected to mentally inhabit robotic bodies, leaving their paralyzed human shells behind. The technology grants those locked in special powers, such as the ability to move instantly from a robotic body in one location to another far away, as well as participate in a rich virtual-reality environment created just for them. Scalzi's tale explores whether, in those circumstances, being locked in is still a disability and whether it should be cured, among other questions of technology, ethics, and politics. Amazon (with sample audio) http://www.amazon.com/Lock-John-Scalzi/dp/0765375869/