Using 3D Printers to Create Prosthetic Limbs for Ugandans From: Medical Design Technology - 01/13/2014 By: Patchen Barass A University of Toronto lab is partnering with an international NGO and a Ugandan hospital to use 3D scanning and printing to speed the process of creating and fitting sockets for artificial limbs. Today a 3D scan of a Ugandan's residual limb can be sent within seconds to another part of the world where a prosthetist can digitally design a replacement, sending that file back to Africa to be printed. The implications of such a system are many, but one is the capacity to make a prosthesis in less than 24 hours. For many Ugandans, speed is more than a matter of convenience; it’s the difference between getting a prosthetic limb or not. Read the entire article at: Links: Critical Making Lab Matt Ratto