Behind the Engineering that Goes into a Leg Prosthesis From: Electronic Design - 08/25/2014 By: Don Tuite In 1919, a German prosthetist named Otto Bock surveyed the results of the bloody butchery of World War I and set out to improve the functionality of the artificial limbs that wounded soldiers and civilians needed to carry on their lives. His first innovation was to make the production of artificial limbs into a production-line operation, rather than a custom process for each amputee, as it had been in the past. Needless to say, the rest of the 20th Century provided more than ample opportunity to refine and innovate the mass-produced, fittable, artificial limb. Read the entire article at: Link: Otto Bock Healthcare Related: Technology Gives Back The 'bionic men' of World War I Electromechanical Medical Marvels Watching Robots Giving a Hand (with videos)