Walker with Kinect Sensor Helps Seniors to Prevent Accidents From: Daily Buzz - European Medical Device Technology - 02/14/2014 By: Thomas Klein An EU-funded project named Devices for Assisted Living (DALi) develops a walker that utilizes the Kinect sensor to help elderly people with cognitive impairments to sidestep obstacles. The sensor enables the mobile system to capture its spatial surroundings in real time. The project led by the University of Trento aims to extend the mobility of seniors by developing a system that helps them to navigate in crowded and confusing environments such as shopping malls and airports. Equipped with various imaging sensors, including the Kinect sensor from Microsoft's Xbox, the walker is able to identify potential obstacles and can even detect information on signs and warnings. Read the entire article at: http://www.emdt.co.uk/daily-buzz/walker-kinect-sensor-helps-seniors-prevent-accidents Links: Devices for Assisted Living http://www.ict-dali.eu/dali/index.html cWalker http://www.ict-dali.eu/dali/news.html Middleware for Robotics in Assisted living: A case study http://www.ict-dali.eu/dali/images/media/1_rtlws13.pdf Related: How to Steer a Wheelchair by Wiggling Your Ears (with video 2:21) http://www.emdt.co.uk/daily-buzz/how-steer-wheelchair-wiggling-your-ears Submitted by Jerry Weisman