EyeWear Computer Assists Vision Impaired From: Medical Design Technology - 10/14/2014 A Monash PhD student, Titus Tang, and his supervisor, Dr Wai Ho Li, from Monash Vision Group and the Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering won the Best Paper Award at the 18th International Symposium on Wearable Computers in Seattle, a major conference for specialists in the field. Titus presented the research on the EyeWear prototype which assists vision impaired users by translating 3D visual information into 3D audio cues, to more than 700 delegates. The research was carried out within Monash Vision Group, who are developing a bionic eye that interfaces directly with the human brain. Read the entire article at: http://www.mdtmag.com/news/2014/10/eyewear-computer-assists-vision-impaired Links: Monash duo win international accolade for wearable computer http://monash.edu/news/show/monash-duo-win-international-accolade-for-wearable-computer Monash Vision Group http://www.monash.edu.au/bioniceye/aboutus.html Monash Vision Direct to Brain Bionic Eye http://www.monash.edu.au/bioniceye/ Titus Tang http://eng.monash.edu.au/ecse/about/people/profile/jjttang