Heart-shocking "Shirt" Could Save Lives From: Bioscience Technology - 06/03/2014 Johns Hopkins biomedical engineering students have designed a lightweight, easy-to-conceal shirt-like garment to deliver life-saving shocks to patients experiencing serious heart problems. The students say their design improves upon a wearable defibrillator system that is already in use. Their design changes, the students say, should help persuade patients at risk for sudden cardiac arrest to wear the system around the clock. Read the entire article at: http://www.biosciencetechnology.com/news/2014/06/heart-shocking-%E2%80%98shirt%E2%80%99-could-save-lives Source: Students' Heart-Shocking "Shirt" May Save Lives When Paramedics Are Not Nearby http://releases.jhu.edu/2014/06/03/students-heart-shocking-shirt-may-save-lives-when-paramedics-are-not-nearby/ Link: Johns Hopkins Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design http://cbid.bme.jhu.edu/