High-Tech Peg Measures Palsy Patients' Dexterity From: Medical Design Technology - 05/13/2014 Rice University students’ Bluetooth-enabled device boosts cerebral palsy therapy It looks like a game board and many of its users will find it fun, but there's serious intent behind a device by Rice University students to test the abilities of cerebral palsy patients. At the heart of the DeXcellence platform is a small peg comfortable enough for a 3-year-old to hold. But packed inside are enough electronics to tell a nearby computer, tablet or other Bluetooth-enabled device of how the cylinder is moving in space. In tandem with a board that directs the patient’s movements, the cylinder sends a steady stream of data to the computer. That data is analyzed by the Rice team’s software to give a therapist a clear picture of a patient's progress in physical therapy. Read the entire article at: http://www.mdtmag.com/news/2014/05/high-tech-peg-measures-palsy-patients%E2%80%99-dexterity http://news.rice.edu/2014/05/13/high-tech-peg-measures-palsy-patients-dexterity-2/# http://www.rdmag.com/videos/2014/05/high-tech-peg-measures-palsy-patients%E2%80%99-dexterity Links: Pegging Down a Cerebral Palsy Test http://www.mdtmag.com/news/2014/05/photos-day-pegging-down-cerebral-palsy-test Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen http://oedk.rice.edu/ Rice University students’ Bluetooth-enabled device boosts cerebral palsy therapy students’ Bluetooth-enabled device boosts cerebral palsy therapy (with video 3:23) http://oedk.rice.edu/news?mode=PostView&bmi=1552272 George R. Brown Engineering Design Showcase and Poster Competition http://news.rice.edu/2014/04/17/dexcellence-wins-engineering-design-showcase/ DeXcellence wins Engineering Design Showcase (with video 2:32) http://www.dmd.umn.edu/2014/student_showcase.html DeXcellence http://oedk.rice.edu/Content/Members/MemberPublicProfile.aspx?pageId=1063096&memberId=10927882