Brain zap rouses people from years of vegetative state From: New Scientist - 02/26/2014 By: Helen Thomson People in a vegetative state showed signs of awareness after electric brain stimulation - and minimally conscious people were able to communicate again Talk about an awakening. People who have been in a minimally conscious state for weeks or years have been temporarily roused using mild electrical stimulation. Soon after it was applied to their brains, 15 people with severe brain damage showed signs of consciousness, including moving their hands or following instructions using their eyes. Two people were even able to answer questions for 2 hours before drifting back into their previous uncommunicative state. Read the entire article at: Links: Severe Traumatic Brain Injury How can you ensure that your life is worth living? Decisions in Life Deep brain stimulation promotes late functional recovery after traumatic brain injury Tristan Bekinschtein