Akili Diagnoses Alzheimer’s with a Game From: IEEE Spectrum - 04/22/2014 By: Eliza Strickland Can therapeutic mobile games help patients with cognitive illnesses? Project: Evo is a brightly colored iPad game that doesn’t look different from any app you might use to while away the time. Yet it’s intended for a much more serious endeavor: The game’s creators believe it can be used to both diagnose and ultimately treat mental disorders. A Healthy Touch: The simple interface of this iPad game masks sophisticated diagnostic technology that aims to spot cognitive problems. Read the entire article at: http://spectrum.ieee.org/at-work/start-ups/startup-profile-akili-diagnoses-alzheimers-with-a-game Links: Adam Gazzaley http://gazzaleylab.ucsf.edu/ NeuroRacer http://gazzaleylab.ucsf.edu/neuroracer.html Akili http://www.akiliinteractive.com/ Related: Cognitive test can differentiate between Alzheimer’s and normal aging http://www.rdmag.com/news/2014/05/cognitive-test-can-differentiate-between-alzheimer%E2%80%99s-and-normal-aging