Clinical trial shows tongue-controlled wheelchair outperforms popular wheelchair navigation system From: ECN - 12/02/2013 In a recent clinical study, individuals with paralysis were able to use a tongue-controlled technology to access computers and execute commands for their wheelchairs at speeds that were significantly faster than those recorded in sip-and-puff wheelchairs, but with equal accuracy. This study is the first to show that the wireless and wearable Tongue Drive System outperforms sip-and-puff in controlling wheelchairs. Sip-and-puff is the most popular assistive technology for controlling a wheelchair. The Tongue Drive System is controlled by the position of the user's tongue. A magnetic tongue stud lets them use their tongue as a joystick to drive the wheelchair. Sensors in the tongue stud relay the tongue's position to a headset, which then executes up to six commands based on the tongue position. The Tongue Drive System holds promise for patients who have lost the use of their arms and legs, a condition known as tetraplegia or quadriplegia. Read the entire article at: Source: Links: The Tongue Enables Computer and Wheelchair Control for People with Spinal Cord Injury Photos of the Day: Tongue-Driven Wheelchair Tongue Pierce Lets the Paralyzed Drive Wheelchairs Georgia Tech Tongue Drive System (video 2:35)