Transfer Assist Standbar for Manual and Power Wheelchairs From: FLC Newslink - 11/27/2013 The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has developed an assistive device for wheelchairs (Standbar) that provides a new application for use in the treatment of patients who may have health or other issues trying to stand up from a mobile wheelchair. It provides users with greater independence and self-sufficiency to perform functional activities, while reducing or eliminating the need for another person or caregiver to be present or assist them. The Standbar is assistive technology that can be attached to any power wheelchair. The device consists of horizontal and vertical sections, for handgrips, that allow for a broader range of options than if only a horizontal grip were provided. The Standbar is designed for unilateral or bilateral installation as well as for quick, one-handed removal from the wheelchair to accommodate transport of the wheelchair without hindrance or impediment. Standardization of the design and dimensions of the Standbar assembly allow it to be fitted to a variety of wheelchairs or other mobility devices. Read the entire article at: Links: Development of a Wheelchair mounted Standing Bar, and Case Series of Four Users