Russian Tycoon Wants to Move Mind to Machine From: Medical Design Technology - 06/17/2013 By: Peter Svensson Dmitry Itskov gathered some of humanity's best brains — and a few robots — in New York City on Saturday to discuss how humans can get their minds to outlive their bodies. He has an aggressive timetable in which he'd like to see milestones toward that goal met: By 2020, robots we can control remotely with our brains. By 2025, the capability to transplant the brain into a life-support system, which could be a robot body. Essentially, a robot prosthesis that can replace an ailing, perhaps dying body. By 2035, the ability to move the mind into a computer, eliminating the need for the robot bodies to carry around wet, messy brains. By 2045, technology nirvana in the form of artificial brains controlling insubstantial, hologram bodies. Read the entire article at: Links: Russian Billionaire Dmitry Itskov Plans on Becoming Immortal by 2045 2045 Initiative