14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP) Saint-Denis, France - July 7 - 11, 2014 http://www.icchp.org/ ICCHP is a series of biannual scientific conferences in the field of ICT/AT for people with disabilities run in co-operation with the Johannes Kepler University, Linz and the Austrian Computer Society. ICCHP has been one of the first conferences bringing together individual researchers starting AT as "handicrafts". These pioneers had a clear vision for the potential of the upcoming Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution for people with disabilities and an according enthusiasm to set up a new scientific discipline with close relations to end users and respecting the need for interdisciplinary discussions. http://www.icchp.org/overview/history ICCHP provides a unique platform for end users, researchers, developers and practitioners. http://www.icchp.org/overview First Announcement: http://www.icchp.org/files/FirstAnnouncement_ICCHP2014.pdf --- Invitation to become a member of the ICCHP Programme Committee Scientific excellence once more is on top of our conference agenda and to insure this goal, we invite you to become a member of the International Programme Committee (IPC). Integrating your experience and know-how is a key factor for a successful preparation and carrying out of this conference. Register to become a reviewer at: http://registration.icchp.org/invite/2LRVH155/accept/ Submitted by Jerry Weisman