3D Printing Enables Guide4Blind Experience From: 3D Printing Industry - 05/23/2013 By: Rachel Park Kreis Soest and Wirtschaft & Marketing Soest GmbH, two organizations in central Germany, are promoting a trendsetting project that they are using encourage new tourism experiences for visually impaired and blind visitors to the area allowing them to touch and feel 3D models of local architecture. Behind the scenes of this project, called Guide4Blind, 3D printing technology from German industrial 3D printer manufacturer voxeljet, is playing a big role in bringing it to fruition and making it work. Guide4Blind, as the name would suggest, aims to guide blind people through the inner city of Soest through suggested routes, while at the same time providing them with very realistic impressions of noteworthy buildings along the way. A navigation app provides a quick solution for route guidance purposes. The city's main buildings become "visible" to the blind/visually impaired by way of precise and scaled bronze models, located alongside the respective landmarks. Visually impaired visitors and tourists can touch and feel the bronze models to obtain a detailed impression of the shapes and surfaces of the buildings. Read the entire article at: http://3dprintingindustry.com/2013/05/23/3d-printing-enables-guide4blind-experience-in-soest-germany/ Links: New Ways for and with Tourism – Integrating Blind People http://www.isst.fraunhofer.de/en/business_units/gfaal/topic_projects/guide4blind/ Sightseeing Made Possible For Blind People http://diyzilla.com/sightseeing-made-possible-for-blind-people/ Submitted by Arne Folkedal