Fake service dog IDs causing problems for disabled From: KTVU TV - 09/16/2013 Service dogs have special access to places that other dogs don’t, such as restaurants and airplanes, leading some people to lie and claim their pets are specially trained. According to service dog trainers, all it takes for dog owners to obtain special access for their pets is a vest or a badge that says "Service Dog," and such identification can be found online for just a few dollars. But the abuse of service dog identification has resulted in establishments banning service dogs all together, even those whose owners honestly depend on them. Read the entire article at: http://www.ktvu.com/news/news/local/fake-service-dog-ids-causing-problems-disabled/nZyjm/ View the video (1:47) at: http://www.ktvu.com/videos/news/petaluma-fake-service-dog-ids-causing-problems-for/vCCc9h/ Submitted by Drew Nelson