Easy Chirp Easy Chirp is a 3rd-party Twitter client that has been optimized for use by people with disabilities (and most significantly non-sighted users). A private initiative and labor of love by Dennis Lembree, it has been offered free to the web since 2009, and has seen significant adoption by the blind and low-vision community. Easy Chirp has also been a recipient of the AFB 2011 Access Award and the 2009 Access IT @web2.0 Award. Since its inception Dennis has hosted Easy Chirp out of his own pocket, and all of the work to date has been done simply because Dennis cares. Website: http://www.easychirp.com/ Kickstarter webpage: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dlembree/easy-chirp-2-contribute-to-an-inclusive-twittersph Submitted by John Foliot