A Hearing Aid That Uses Bones to Conduct Sound From: Popular Science - 05/2010 By: Elizabeth Svoboda Tooth-mounted hearing aid - a device that restores hearing by transmitting sound through the teeth and bones The SoundBite Hearing System is the world's first non-surgical and removable hearing solution to use the well-established principle of bone conduction to imperceptibly transmit sound via the teeth. It is intended to help patients who are essentially deaf in one ear regain spatial hearing ability and rejoin the conversation of life. Nearly invisible when worn, the SoundBite system consists of an easy to insert and remove in-the-mouth hearing device - which is custom made to fit around the upper, left or right, back teeth - and a small behind-the-ear microphone unit. No modifications to the teeth are required. Read the entire article at: http://www.popsci.com/diy/article/2010-05/invention-awards-hearing-aid-conducts-sound-through-your-bones Link: Sonitus http://www.sonitusmedical.com/product/