Smart Shoe Insole Holds Promise in Combating Gait Abnormalities From: Rehab Management - 11/28/2012 The technology in a new shoe insole developed by a researcher from the University of Utah may show promise in individuals with artificial legs, hip replacements, and broken legs. According to developer Stacy Bamberg, ScD, department of mechanical engineering, University of Utah, the insole, known as the Rapid Rehab system, uses a custom gel insole with force sensors, accelerometers, and gyroscopes to detect an individual’s gait. Veristride developed a 21st century rehabilitation device that will transform the way amputees relearn to walk. The GaitShoe is an affordable, pressure sensitive gel insole that instantaneously instructs users to change their walking pattern if they begin to limp. In this way, our product provides users with meaningful, real-time feedback that helps improve gait symmetry and eliminate degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis. Read the entire article at: Links: Stacy Bamberg Veristride GaitShoe Utah Engineering Prof Invents Smart Insole to Correct Walking Abnormalities