Swiss Scientists Rewire Injured Spinal Cords, Paralyzed Rats Walk Again From: PC World - 06/02/2012 By: Kevin Lee A group of Swiss scientists from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) have found a way to rewire the spinal cord of rats after a paralyzing injury. A rat (pictured in the article) was just paralyzed a few weeks prior and is now running on a treadmill. The team accomplished this impressive medical feat with an extensive treatment of electro-chemical therapy and training with the help of a robotic harness. Read the entire article and view a video (2:18) at: Links: After Robot-Assisted Rehab and a Dose of Chemicals, Paralyzed Rats Walk Again Exoskeleton Technology Helps Paraplegic Student Walk Again Walking Again after Spinal Cord Injury Moving a Robotic Arm with Just a Thought NEUWalk Balgrist Spinal Cord Injury Center