Therapist in Your Pocket From: Northwestern University NewsCenter - 02/07/2012 By: Marla Paul New smart phone, a virtual therapist, and other novel technologies to treat depression Brooding in your apartment on Saturday afternoon? A new smartphone intuits when you’re depressed and will nudge you to call or go out with friends. It’s the future of therapy at a new Feinberg center where scientists are inventing Web-based, mobile and virtual technologies to treat depression and other mood disorders. Northwestern University researchers are developing Web-based, mobile, and virtual technologies to treat depression and other mood disorders. Examples include a virtual human therapist who will work with teens to prevent depression, a medicine bottle that reminds the user to take antidepressant medication and alerts the doctor if the dosage needs adjusting, and a Web-based social network to help cancer survivors relieve sadness and stress. Northwestern's Mobilyze! smartphone application offers support for people who have depression and intervenes to help them change their behavior. The smart medicine bottle is part of the MedLink system, which includes a mobile app that monitors the patient's depressive symptoms and any medical side effects and will provide specific advice to manage problems. The virtual therapist is being developed with University of Southern California researchers. The therapist will role-play with adolescents and adults to teach social and assertiveness skills to prevent and treat depression. The researchers note that Web-based content to help cancer survivors manage stress and depression is more effective when a human coach checks in on their progress via a phone call or email. Read the entire article at: Links: David Mohr Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies Darren Gergle Northwestern University Department of Behavioral Medicine