Orangutans at Miami Zoo Use iPads to Communicate From: Product Design & Development - 05/09/2012 By: David Fischer The orangutans at Miami's Jungle Island apparently are just like people when it comes to technology. The park is one of several zoos experimenting with computers and apes, letting its six orangutans use an iPad to communicate and as part of a mental stimulus program. Linda Jacobs, who oversees the program, hopes the devices will eventually help bridge the gap between humans and the endangered apes. The devices have been a great addition to the enrichment programs Jungle Island already does with the orangutans, Jacobs said. Keepers have long used sign language to communicate with them. Using their hands, the orangutans can respond to simple questions, identify objects and express their wants or needs. The apes can also identify body parts, helping the trainers care for them and even give them shots. While Jacobs and other trainers have developed strong relationships with the orangutans, the iPad and other touchscreen computers offer an opportunity for them to communicate with people not trained in their sign language. Read the entire article at: http://pddnet.com/news-orangutans-at-miami-zoo-use-ipads-to-communicate-050912/ http://www.ecnmag.com/news/2012/05/orangutans-miami-zoo-use-ipads-communicate http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2012/may/09/orangutans-at-miami-zoo-use-ipads-to-02/ Links: Orangutans Talk with iPads http://pddnet.com/photos-of-the-day-orangutans-talk-with-ipads-050912/ Orangutans Go Bananas over iPads in Miami (7 photos) http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/lifestyle/2012/05/09/orangutans-go-bananas-over-ipads-in-miami/