Researchers Revolutionize Closed Captioning From: - 03/22/2012 By: Lisa Zyga Hefei University of Technology researchers led by Meng Wang have developed a closed-captioning technique in which the text appears in translucent talk bubbles next to the speaker. The researchers say their approach offers several advantages over existing static-captioning technology for improving the viewing experience for hearing-impaired people. Their technique is known as dynamic captioning because the text appears in different locations and styles to better reflect the speaker's identity and vocal dynamics. The researchers developed algorithms to automatically identify the speaker using the video's script file and lip motion detection technology. The technology uses visual saliency analysis to automatically find the optimal position for the talk bubble so there is as little interference as possible with the visual scene. During testing, 60 hearing-impaired people viewed films using the new technology. The study found that 53 of the testers preferred dynamic captioning over static captioning. “The whole technique was motivated by solving the difficulties of hearing-impaired viewers in watching videos,” Wang says. “These viewers have difficulty in recognizing who is speaking, so we put scripts around the speaker's face; they have difficulty in tracking scripts, so we synchronously highlight the scripts.” Read the entire article at: Link: Meng Wang