Wehab: Wii Homework for Stroke Victims From: FastCompany - 08/12/2011 By; Lakshmi Sandhana Nintendo's Wii has been used for a while now by physical therapists, but a revolutionary new platform could transform the game system into an at-home recovery tool, with therapists overseeing progress over 3G. A revolutionary rehabilitation system has stroke patients ambling onto Wii Balance boards - at home - to play versions of games like Wii Resort and Wii Sports, under the watchful eye of a remotely located therapist. For the first time, therapists can assign "homework therapy," giving patients an opportunity to get continuous monitored therapy services and rehab at home with ease. Read the entire article and watch a video at: http://www.fastcompany.com:80/1773118/wehab-wii-homework-helps-stroke-victims-heal Links: Aaron Striegel http://netscale.cse.nd.edu/twiki/bin/view/Main/HomeStriegel Course innovates with Wii http://www.ndsmcobserver.com/news/course-innovates-with-wii-1.2004571 Wii-hab http://www.wii-hab.com/ Submitted by Sanday Gabrielli