New Move to Use Robots for Stroke Rehabilitation From: University of Hertfordshire (UK) - 12/06/2011 By: Emily Iversen The European Commission is funding the development of robotic devices to help people recover from strokes. The Supervised Care and Rehabilitation Involving Personal Tele-robotics project will develop robotic devices that facilitate repetitive movements of the hand and wrist that would be performed during chronic phases of stroke rehabilitation. "The project focus on hand and wrist exercise presents the least researched area in this field and has the potential to make a big contribution to personal independence," says the University of Hertfordshire's Farshid Amirabdollahian. "Our developed prototypes will be available for home use and in a motivating and engaging context, which should provide easier and more frequently available tools, which should in turn affect the patient recovery." Patients will be able to use the tele-robotic communication platform in their own home, and remote management will help cut down on the number of hospital visits. Patients and off-site health-care professionals would receive immediate feedback. The three-year project also will pursue more natural interaction for therapeutic human-robot interaction. Read the entire article at: Links: Farshid Amirabdollahian Gail Mountain Robots supporting personal independence and rehabilitation Supervised Care and Rehabilitation Involving Personal Tele-robotics