Running Robot Breaks Speed Records From: Wired - 08/17/2011 By: Katie Scott University of Michigan researchers have developed MABEL, a running robot that recently set the world record by running 6.8 miles per hour. The researchers have developed special feedback algorithms that allow MABEL to balance even when running over uneven terrain. MABEL is designed to have almost human physiology, with a heavier torso and light, flexible legs with springs that act like tendons, according to Michigan professor Jessy Grizzle. "We envision some extraordinary potential applications for legged robot research: Exoskeletons that enable wheelchair-bound people to walk again or that give rescuers super-human abilities, and powered prosthetic limbs that behave like their biological counterparts," says Oregon State University professor Jonathan Hurst, who worked with the MABEL team as a doctoral student. However, MABEL could have a more immediate application as a robot rescuer. "If you would like to send in robots to search for people when a house is on fire, it probably needs to be able to go up and down stairs, step over the baby's toys on the floor, and maneuver in an environment where wheels and tracks may not be appropriate," Grizzle says. Running robots such as MABEL also could be a new type of human transportation system, according to Michigan researcher Koushil Sreenath. Read the entire article and watch a video at: Links: Video Jessy Grizzle Jonathan Hurst MABEL Related: Darpa: Fuse Nerves with Robot Limbs, Make Prosthetics Feel Real --- Run, Robot, Run From: Michigan Alumnus - Late Fall 2011 - page 36 A robot in a U-M lab can run like a human-a feat that represents the height of agility and efficiency for a two-legged machine. With a peak pace of 6.8 miles per hour, MABEL is believed to be the world's fastest bipedal robot with knees. "It's stunning," said Jessy Grizzle, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. "I have never seen a machine doing a motion like this." Few robots can run, and the researchers say no machine but MABEL can do it with such a human-like gait. MABEL is in the air for 40 percent of each stride, "Like a real runner," Grizzle said, versus the 10 percent of other running robots that are almost speedwalking. "We envision some extraordinary potential applications for legged robot research: exoskeletons that enable wheelchair-bound people to walk again or that give rescuers super-human abilities, and powered prosthetic limbs that behave like their biological counterparts," said Jonathan Hurst, one of the original MABEL developers in 2008 and now an assistant professor at Oregon State University. Links: Dynamic Leg Locomotion