iPhone app brightens up color blind world From: ABC7 News - KGO - San Francisco - 04/04/2011 By: Carolyn Johnson With the help of a new device, Howard Hart who is color deficient, can now see those shades in a different way. He tested a new iPhone application with Dr. Jacque Duncan, MD, a professor of ophthalmology at UCSF. It combines the iPhone's camera with specially developed software to help patients identify colors. Read the entire article and view a video at: http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/health&id=8053125 Links: DanKam http://www.ipagames.com/2010/12/dankam-colorblind-fix-ipa-102-iphone.html DanKam: iPhone App Corrects Colorblindness http://bigthink.com/ideas/25562 DanKam: Augmented Reality for Color Blindness http://dankaminsky.com/2010/12/15/dankam/ DanKam on iTunes http://www.itunes.com/app/dankam Dan Kaminsky's Blog http://dankaminsky.com/dankam/