ASK Messaging: An iPad app with a special touch From: Michigan Engineer - Spring 2011 - page 24 By: Virginia Caprisi A young woman with cerebral palsy walks into a Starbucks and, despite her compromised motor skills and speech difficulties, uses an iPad to do what she’s never done before – she orders a cup of coffee by herself. That’s a scene that a Michigan Engineering student team hopes to see in the very near future when it completes testing on a special iPad app. Read the entire article at: Links: Michigan Engineering Students Develop Mobile Communications Technology for Cerebral Palsy Patients Video: iPad App for Cerebral Palsy Patients Developed by Michigan Engineering Students CS Students Take Second Place with "Accessible Messaging" iPad App Time for a check up? Get out your iPhone. (starts at 2:11) Pitch Slides: ASK Messaging --- Students Develop iPad App to Assist Users with Fine Motor Disabilities From: University of Michiagn EECS News - 2010-2011 ASK Applications, a company in the making composed of computer science students, has created ASK Messaging, an iPad app that helps individuals with fine motor control disabilities or vision impairment and who have extreme difficulties in using keyboard interfaces to successfully navigate menus and compose and send messages. The app has been tested at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital and at The Bridge School in California. In March 2010, the ASK team won the Center for Entrepreneurship’s Bay Area Pitch Competition and $1000. The team also took second place in the University Mobile Challenge Pitch Competition at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in February. Most recently, the team took first place overall in the Spring 2011 U-M Mobile Apps Challenge. Team members are undergrads Erica Christensen, Kimberly Hunter, Scott Jenks, Chelsea LeBlanc, Chris McMeeking, and Michelle Noronha. Source: (page 20)