New Device Puts Vision Impaired in the Picture From: Monash University - 04/28/2011 Monash University researchers have developed GraVVITAS, a device designed to make it easier for the visually impaired to access graphical information. GraVVITAS is a standard tablet PC with touchscreen technology that uses vibration and sounds to guide the user around a diagram. The device provides greater access to graphical information and enables visually impaired users to build a picture of the entire diagram in their mind. GraVVITAS has small external vibrating motors that attach to the user's finger, and they buzz when an object displayed on the screen is touched. The voice prompts and sounds also help guide the user to read the diagram, says Monash PhD student Cagatay Goncu, who is working with professor Kim Marriott and Vision Australia on the device. "The basic idea is to guide the user to find the object by using sound," Goncu says. "Touching the object causes the sound to stop and a voice explains what that object is and any other information associated with it." Read the entire article at: Links: Kim Marriott Cagatay Goncu