Voice-Activated Robot Feeds You Your Desired Dish From: IEEE Spectrum - 03/21/2011 By: Angelica Lim A meal assistance system, a robot that detects the food on your plate and feeds you your desired dish, was developed by Isao Wakabayashi, an undergrad at Chukyo University, Japan. He used the Rascal robot set from Robix, and wrote his own image processing software to automatically recognize meal items. It labels all the pieces on your plate, so that you can use voice command to choose your next bite. "Pudding, please!" Read the entire article and view a video at: http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/medical-robots/voice-activated-robot-feeds-you Links: Robix http://www.robix.com/ Secom MySpoon robot http://www.secom.co.jp/english/myspoon/usage.html Meal Buddy Assistive Feeder http://www.lifecaresoln.com/The_Meal_Buddy_p/081454xx.htm