What the disability community can teach us about interactive crowdsourcing From: ACM Interactions - July - August 2011 - page 78 By: Jeffrey P. Bigham & Ruchard E. Ladner In this forum we will celebrate research that helps to successfully bring the benefits of computing technologies to children, older adults, people with disabilities, and other populations that are often ignored in the design of mass-marketed products. Read the entire article at: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1978838&CFID=33130616&CFTOKEN=75887473 Links: VizWiz http://vizwiz.org Mechanical Turk https://www.mturk.com Social Accessibility Project (IBM Japan) http://sa.watson.ibm.com/account/about Solona http://www.solona.net/ oMoby http://omoby.com/pages/index.php Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf http://www.rid.org/