Low-vision technology experts look to region as testing ground From: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review - 01/03/2011 By: Chris Ramirez ClickAndGo Wayfinding Maps claims its special mapping technology can help blind individuals better navigate convention centers, downtown districts and train stations. ClickAndGo maps don't stop at how to get from Point A to Point B; they appeal to a person's other senses by forecasting such things as changes in the texture of carpeting, the sounds they should hear as they walk through electronic doors and where they should feel the rush of air from subway vents. Read the entire article at: http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/news/breaking/s_716379.html Links: ClickAndGo http://www.clickandgomaps.com/ Wicab Inc - BrainPort Vision http://vision.wicab.com/index.php