Wheelchair Design Wins $20,000 Grand Prize in Global Design Contest From: Tech Briefs Insider - 10/05/2010 A new invention could help millions of manual wheelchair users increase their mobility while decreasing upper body, repetitive stress injuries. Many who suffer from muscle pain, torn rotator cuffs, joint degeneration, and carpal tunnel syndrome will benefit from the Rowheel Wheelchair Propulsion System, which uses a pulling/rowing motion as opposed to a standard pushing technique. The innovative design won the $20,000 grand prize in this year's Create the Future Design Contest, sponsored by PTC®, COMSOL, and Tech Briefs Media. Finalists were selected by senior editors at Tech Briefs Media Group and judged by an independent panel of design engineers. Developed by Salim Nasser of Merritt Island, FL, the Rowheel System design adapts a planetary gear system at the center of the wheel, which reverses the pulling motion of the user into a forward motion of the chair. The unique change provides an overall increase in user endurance and range. Mr. Nasser, who is himself wheelchair-bound, originally designed the system as his senior design project while attending Florida International University (FIU). Read the entire article at: http://contest.techbriefs.com/component/content/article/1098 Links: Rowheel Wheelchair Propulsion System http://contest.techbriefs.com/component/content/article/589 http://www.techbriefs.com/component/content/article/8798 Salim Nasser's better wheelchair: Rowing the wheels rather than pushing them http://www.core77.com/blog/object_culture/salim_nassers_better_wheelchair_rowing_the_wheels_rather_than_pushing_them_17549.asp Building a better wheelchair http://eckiller.com/tag/salim-nasser