Faux Paws for a British Bionic Cat From: Product Design & Development - 06/28/2010 By: Maria Cheng Oscar was given a pair of new artificial feet last November in a single surgical procedure by the surgeon after his rear paws were amputated by a combine harvester as he basked in the sunshine. The revolutionary design of the feet uses custom-made implants to "peg" the ankle to the foot and mimics the way in which deer antler bone grows through skin. Oscar the cat may have lost one of his nine lives, but his new prosthetic paws make him one of the world's few bionic cats. After losing his two rear paws in a nasty encounter with a combine harvester last October, the black cat with green eyes was outfitted with metallic pegs that link the ankles to new prosthetic feet and mimic the way deer antlers grow through skin. Oscar is now back on his feet and hopping over hurdles like tissue paper rolls. After Oscar's farming accident, his owners, Kate and Mike Nolan, took him to their local veterinarian. In turn, the vet referred Oscar to Dr. Noel Fitzpatrick, a neuro-orthopedic surgeon in Eashing, 35 miles southwest of London. Together with biomedical engineering experts, Fitzpatrick gave Oscar two metal prosthetic implants, or pegs. Those were attached to custom-built faux paws that are a bit wobbly, to imitate a cat's natural walk. But first, he covered the brown implants with black tape to match Oscar's fur. Read the entire article at: http://www.pddnet.com/news-ap-faux-paws-for-british-bionic-cat-062810/ Links: Oscar the Cat Gets First-Ever Prosthetic Feline Legs (video) http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/OnCall/cat-prosthetic-legs/story?id=11013333 Oscar the cat gets two prosthetic feet after farm accident (video) http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/293858 Oscar the bionic cat: Pioneering surgery gives poor moggie TWO false back legs http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1289281/Oscar-bionic-cat-pioneering-surgery-gave-TWO-false-legs.html