New "magic" pen helps struggling Hebrew readers From: Jewish Community News - August 2010 - page 7 Los Altos Hills, CA resident Alan Warshaw and his business partner Alan Greenfield recently launched Magic Yad, a "magic" pen that helps struggling Hebrew readers and bar or bat mitzvah students. Magic Yad is a software application for the Livescribe Pulse smartpen, a computer in a pen that captures handwritten notes and simultaneously records and links the audio to the notes. Bar or bat mitzvah students can use the Pulse smartpen to learn from a pre-printed Hebrew text of their Torah or Haftarah portion. They can play back pre-recorded, professional chanting by tapping at the beginning of any trope phase (or verse or page) with their Pulse smartpen. Additional icons allow users to record and hear themselves chanting a phrase or slow down the audio playback to fine tune pronunciation and cantillation. Congregation Etz Chayim in Palo Alto has purchased 5 pens to share among bar/bat mitzvah students. The voice of the Etz Chayim teacher will be loaded in their pens. "Magic Yad is particularly attractive to teachers of special-needs students (students and adults) because of the ease of repetitive operation, large fonts, etc," said Warshaw. Magic Yad has also introduced several products for the High Holy Days to help participants with their Torah and Haftarah preparation. View the entire article at: Links: Livescribe Pulse smartpen Magic Yad Magic Yad Special Needs