Domestic Robot Helps Sick Elderly Live Independently Longer From: Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands) - 04/22/2010 The Eindhoven University of Technology's (TU/e's) Knowledgeable Service Robots for Aging (KSERA) project aims to link robots and smart homes to help elderly people live better. The KSERA project is focusing on helping chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Within the next three years, the project aims to complete several demonstration homes, which will be equipped with a robot and the domestic systems of a smart home. The robot will follow patients through the house, learn their habits, and warn a doctor if the patient is not doing well. In addition, the robot will provide entertainment in the form of Internet and videos. "We want to show what is possible in this area," says KSERA project coordinator Lydia Meesters. KSERA researchers also will collaborate with the TU/e-led RoboEarth project, which aims to build a global central memory for robots that will enable them to learn from each other. Ethical issues will be given special attention. "We need to define clear limits, for the robot will continuously measure and see very private data," Meesters says. Read the entire article at: Links: KSERA research project focuses on COPD patients KSERA