Mind-Control Mobile-Phone Games From: Engineer - 01/29/2010 Brain Maze is a mobile phone game developed by Lancaster University researchers that requires players to use their brain waves to move a marble around a course. Players use tilt controls and a brain-wave reading headset, and an accelerometer-equipped phone picks up electromagnetic waves. To move the marble through the mind gates, players have to actually think about getting through them. They also must shift their mental state from a meditative state to an active state, as Brain Maze uses both alpha and beta waves, say Lancaster's Paul Coulton and Will Bamford. "While much of the recent press around mobile phones has concerned the emergence of touch-screen devices, this game takes the user's experience to a whole new level and highlights the possibility of reaching the holy grail of computer interaction--using brain control," Coulton says. Read the entire article at: http://www.theengineer.co.uk/news/mind-control-mobile-phone-games/1000766.article Links: Video http://www.mobileradicals.com/index.php/Brain_Mobile_Interaction#Brain_Maze Researchers Developing Mobile Mind Games http://domino.lancs.ac.uk/info/lunews.nsf/7b872698bd1fc16d80256983007632ce/ff28ed36630e6c96802576b1003b2892?OpenDocument