Magnet and Glue Turn Tongue into Joystick From: New Scientist - 06/29/2009 By; Tom Simonite Georgia Tech University professors Maysam Ghovanloo and Xueliang Huo have developed a headset that enables a person to precisely control a wheelchair or computer using only their tongue. The system uses two sensors, embedded in a wireless headset, to track a small magnet attached to the tip of the user's tongue. The sensors read fluctuations in the strength of the magnetic field as the tongue moves and transmits the signals to a computer. The system is already being used in trials with spinal injury patients, and could eventually be used to give astronauts and others a third hand in difficult situations. Ghovanloo says there are 250,000 people with spinal cord injuries in the US, and more than half of them need an alternative way of interacting with the world due to spinal damage that prevents or restricts the use of their arms and hands. Currently available systems often use the "sip and puff" method, which involves blowing or sucking on a straw held in front of the mouth, or extended headrests that have embedded buttons that can be operated using subtle head movements. However, Ghovanloo says the tongue-driven system can accept a wider variety of commands, is less conspicuous and very precise, and is not as tiring to use. For the trials, the magnet was attached to the user's tongue using a surgical adhesive, but Ghovanloo has had magnetic tongue piercings made that may appeal more to long-term users. The latest prototype was presented last week at the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology annual meeting in New Orleans. Read the entire article at: Links: Maysam Ghovanloo "Tongue Mouse" Can Control a Wheelchair or Computer -- Powered Wheelchair Operated by Tongue Drive System From: Physical Therapy Products - SOAP Notes - 07/15/2009 An assistive technology that enables individuals to maneuver a powered wheelchair or control a mouse cursor using simple tongue movements can be operated by individuals with high-level spinal cord injuries. Read the entire article at: