Virginia Tech's RoMeLa Develops a Low Cost, Dexterous Robotic Hand Operated by Compressed Air From: ACM TechNews - 05/08/2009 By: Virginia Mackay The Robotics and Mechanisms Laboratory (RoMeLa) at the Virginia Tech College of Engineering has developed the Robotic Air Powered Hand with Elastic Ligaments (RAPHaEL), a robotic hand capable of firmly holding heavy objects or delicately holding fragile objects. RAPHaEL is a fully articulated robotic hand that is powered by compressed air and an accordion-type tube actuator. Movement and coordination is controlled using microcontroller commands. "This air-powered design is what makes the hand unique, as it does not require the use of any motors or other actuators, the grasping force and compliance can be easily adjusted by simply changing the air pressure," says RoMeLa director Dennis Hong. The force of the grip is determined by the amount of air pressure, with low pressure used for a delicate grip and high pressure used for a sturdier grip. RAPHaEL is part of a larger RoMeLa project, a humanoid robot known as CHARLI (Cognitive Humanoid Robot with Learning Intelligence). The hand is on its second prototype design, and once the newer model is connected to the larger robot body, CHARLI will be able to pick up objects like a person. Hong says CHARLI is the first full-sized bipedal walking humanoid robot to be built entirely in the United States. CHARLI will be used as a general humanoid research platform and for the RoboCup Humanoid Teen size league at RoboCup 2010. The Robotics and Mechanisms Laboratory (RoMeLa) of the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech has developed a unique robotic hand that can firmly hold objects as heavy as a can of food or as delicate as a raw egg, while dexterous enough to gesture for sign language. Read the entire article at: Link: College of Engineering at Virginia Tech - Robotics and Mechanisms Laboratory ------ Virginia Tech College of Engineering's Improved Robotic Hand Captures Top Award From: Virginia Tech News - 09/24/2009 By: Steven Mackay A team of five undergraduates from the Virginia Tech College of Engineering have placed first in a competition run by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for RAPHaEL 2, a robotic hand that runs on compressed air. Rather than using a clunky motor, the hand relies on air pressure to grip objects. Varying levels of pressure can be applied depending on the item's shape and weight. The hand also uses a flexible tube actuator. Supported by the Robotics and Mechanisms Laboratory, the students improved upon the original RAPHaEL by adding closed loop control mechanism to its design as well as sensors for force feedback and automatic positioning of the fingers. Students also exchanged the first hand's acrylic material with a stronger polycarbonate one. "This gives us a lot more control over the kinds of things we can do with the hand," says student Kyle Cothern. "Eventually, we might be able to tell how soft an object you're grabbing is just by touching it." In the future, students hope to design the hand to pick up small objects in motion and to use lighter materials to make it look and feel more human. Cothern says that RAPHaEL 2 would be an ideal prosthetic hand because it is simple to use and its fingers are replaceable. Eventually, Virginia Tech researchers hope that RAPHaEL 2 will form part of the Cognitive Humanoid Robot with Learning Intelligence robot. Read the entire article at: