Handicapped Design From: Product Design and Development - 08/17/2009 - page 46 By: Mike Rainone One of the better places to look for new product inspiration is from the disabled because it enriches everyone and allows human potential to flourish. Like many of you, I am always searching for new sources of inspiration — for ways of looking at things that will spark the creative juices. It's really the way most of us try to enhance serendipity, when you find something that makes you think “Aha! That was so obvious, why didn't someone (I) think of it.” You try to figure out what path the innovation took, and what set of conditions were in place to create that inspiration. One of the more interesting places to seek inspiration is from the disabled, because of what we can learn about the ways they must compensate for the challenges life has provided. There are at least three reasons to look at disability as a source of inspiration. First, we are all destined to fit into that category eventually, and as we age, the line between the technically disabled and the "aged" is not so distinct. Read the entire article at: http://www.pddnet.com/news-innovation-handicapped-design-081809