Speech generators enhance communication From: Design News - 03/16/2009 By: Terry Costlow Digital technologies continue to help improve the lives of stroke victims and others. O'Brien Technologies is finalizing design of a speech-generating device that will assist those who can't speak. The handheld devices are designed to assist speech language pathologists and other health care professionals who treat individuals with severe communication disabilities. The devices can be customized to supplement communication for many users. O'Brien is working closely with the Kessler Foundation, a public charity dedicated to improving the lives of people with physical disabilities caused by stroke and brain or spinal cord injuries. Read the article at: http://www.designnews.com/article/189741-Speech_Generators_Enhance_Communication.php?rssid=20055&text=speech+generators O'Brien Technologies http://www.obrientechnologies.com/products/about_sgd.html Survivor Speech Companion System http://www.obrientechnologies.com/products/survivor_system.html Kessler Foundation http://www.hhkfdn.org/