Eastern Michigan University, College Park Industries Develop New Technology to Shed Light on How Forces Affect Amputees, Prosthetics From: Medical Device Link - 08/14/2009 Frank Fedel of Eastern Michigan University's orthotics and prosthetics master's degree program joined forces with a team of engineers from College Park Industries, a company in Fraser that makes prosthetic feet, to co-invent and develop the Intelligent Prosthetic Endoskeletal Component System (iPecs) - a device that can shed new light on the forces of everyday life on amputees and their prosthetics. Read the entire article at: http://www.emich.edu/focus_emu/081109/fedelresearch.html Links: Frank Fedel http://www.educause.edu/Community/MemDir/Profiles/FrankJFedel/65612 iPecs Patent http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2007/0255424.html