Getting a Grasp on Robotics From: Medical DeviceLink - 09/30/2009 Equipped with a few sensors and a motor, a robotic hand developed by researchers at Harvard and Yale Universities gives users the advantage of picking up a range of objects with the flexibility of a human hand. Each soft polymer finger has two embedded piezoelectronic sensors that allow the hand to feel objects and adjust grip accordingly. The sensors were embedded via shape deposition manufacturing, a process that deposits materials one layer at a time. This technique enables the placement as well as protection of the sensors within the material. The device currently uses a power grip to pick up larger objects, but the researchers would like to add a precision grip, which would enable users to pick up items like a pen. Barrett Technology Inc., a company that specializes in robotic manipulators (Cambridge, MA), has licensed the technology. Barrett was spun off from MIT's artificial intelligence lab in 1990. Source: Link: BarrettHand