How my lab's bionic hand is unique From: Nova Science Now - 07/16/2008 It's and advanced prsthetic hand that, once finished, will seem identical to a human hand. It will look like one, move like one, and it will even be controlled by the brain like a real hand. The prototype we're working on in my lab is different from every other prosthetic that's ever been built. It's made of bone-shaped structures and had tiny motors that act as muscles and threads that work like tendons. Read and view video from the Nova Science Now episode that featured Yoky Matsuoka. A former tennis prodigy aims to create advanced prosthetic limbs controlled by human thought. Links: Yoky Matsuoka's Home Page Neurobotics "Bionics: Help for the Disabled" by Nilesh Kakade Information Technology Magazine - February 2006