100 Years Ago: Whitest Printing Plant in the World From: Scientific American - 05/2008 By: Daniel C. Schlenoff May 1908 Magazine for the Blind - "Undoubtedly the whitest printing plant in the world is that in which the Ziegler Magazine for the Blind is published. The reason is obvious. No type is used, and no ink of any description is to be found except, of course, in the editorial room. The monthly magazine is circulated without charge to any person in the United States or Canada who can read the point alphabet. In the composing room of the plant there are two machines, one of which makes the plates for the New York point edition, while the other serves for the American Braille edition. Very unfortunately, both of these point alphabets are in general use in the country." From: http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=veiled-self-wright-secrecy-cotton-revolt Links: Matilda Ziegler Magazine for the Blind http://www.matildaziegler.org/index.html New York Point alphabet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_Point